2020 Season – League and Tournament schedules to be announced soon
2019 was an exciting year for recreational soccer players in the Houston area, as the SLN recreational league turned out to be an octane-filled season. In the same year, SLN co-sponsored and hosted the Houston African Soccer League, which turned out to be highly successful. With the number of teams who have indicated their readiness to sign-up for the 2020 season, the Management Team of SLN are currently in the final stages of rolling out the calender. An official announcement will be made mid-February.
New and improved Website
As part of SLN’s initiate to raise the bar, SLN has launched a revamped website, specially designed to cater to the needs of all players and visitors. We encourage you all to browse and review the wealth of information, blogs, match/player statistics which are all accurately tracked and viewable through our state-of-the-art interface. Enjoy!