2020 RSL Tournament kick-off date announced
To fast-track and wrap up the 2020 Recreational Soccer League, this will be done in a 2-weekend Tournament format during the 2020 Thanksgiving weekend 28th November, and will be concluded on the following weekend 5th December. Additional details about the tournament can be viewed in the flyer below:

This tournament will feature the pre-registered teams in the 2020 RSL season which kicked off in February 2020, but was suspended due to COVID. All teams have indicated their interest to compete in this tournament and despite the high level of interest from new teams, unfortunately they can’t be admitted at this time.
However, the next round of league games which are expected to kick-off after the winter break will be re-opened to all interested teams.
In the meantime, additional pre-cautions have been established to ensure compliance with State guidelines such as mask wearing, separation of team players, fans and several other precautionionary measures which are being communicated to the teams.
*UPDATE – The Tournament was moved up by one week due to adverse weather conditions. The revised dates for the Tournament are 5th & 12th December.